The Kenya Forum | NTSA: Road Deaths On The Rise - The Kenya Forum

August 20, 2018


Statistics by The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) reveal a surge in the high number of road accidents recorded in 2018 compared to last year.

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NTSA: Road Deaths On The Rise

NTSA: Road Deaths On The Rise

Statistics by The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) reveal a surge in the high number of road accidents recorded this year.

According to statistics by NTSA, there are more deaths recorded on our roads in 2018 compared to last year.

“By August 2017, 1,760 people had died in road accidents compared to 1,859 people recoded within the same period this year,” as recorded by NTSA.

This number includes; 340 motorcyclists (15 percent rise), 164 motorcycle passengers, 190 drivers, 36 pedal cyclists and 420 passengers.

In the month of August alone 228 people have died in road accidents compared to 122 in the same month last year.

Pedestrians continue to be the biggest causalities of road accidents and accounted for 709 deaths recorded this year, which according to NTSA is a 6.8 per cent increase compares to the 664 who were killed in the same period in 2017.


While the government has put several measures in place to curb road accidents, recent occurrences that continue to leave dozens of people dead and scores injured illustrate that they are just not working and not unless the government comes up with drastic measures, the situation can only get worse!!


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