The Kenya Forum | Breaking News: Scotland votes to remain part of the United Kingdom - The Kenya Forum

September 19, 2014


Breaking News: Scotland votes to remain part of the United Kingdom. Are there lessons to be learnt here in Kenya about this referendum?

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Breaking News: Scotland votes to remain part of the United Kingdom

Breaking News: Scotland votes to remain part of the United Kingdom


There has been a surprising amount of interest in Kenya’s media regarding the referendum in Scotland held yesterday on the subject of Scottish independence from the rest of the United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland). 4.3 million Scottish voters over the age of 16 were eligible to vote on the question, “Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country”, Yes or No. 86% of registered voters did so.

The result just declared was:

“NO” TO INDEPENDENCE 2,001,926 (55.3%)

“YES” TO INDEPENDENCE 1,617,789 (45.6%)


There are perhaps several lessons to be learned here in Kenya.

Over 3.5 million Scots cast their votes yesterday. The votes were counted overnight and the result finalized, agreed and announced by the following morning – it can be done (message to our politicians and administrators).

The question put to the voters of Scotland was straightforward and required a simple “Yes” or “No” answer (a lesson to those trying to frame questions for a possible referendum in Kenya).

No one had to queue for hours to vote.

No one died.

No one is saying the next day, “The vote was stolen”.


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