The Kenya Forum | National headlines from the day Raila Odinga returns to Kenya - The Kenya Forum

June 1, 2014


National headlines from the day Raila Odinga returns to Kenya. Most media outlets focus on what the opposition leader intends on return.

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National headlines from the day Raila Odinga returns to Kenya

National headlines from the day Raila Odinga returns to Kenya

Cord demands crisis talks as Raila makes big return (Sunday Nation)

‘Cord leader Raila Odinga returned from a two-month visit to the US with a demand that the government convene a national dialogue forum to address the worsening political, security and economic conditions”.

CORD ULTIMATUM – Raila to Uhuru: We must sit down and talk about Kenyans (Standard on Sunday)

‘Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and fellow opposition chiefs have given President Uhuru Kenyatta a 37-day ultimatum to call a national dialogue conference to address the plight of Kenyans, failure to which CORD would call a conference on July 7, 2014’ [Saba Saba day].

‘Men in Black’ back in full swing at Cord fete (Sunday Nation)

‘At least three members of the group called the “Men in Black” who were caught on camera violently disrupting ODM elections on February 28 were spotted at yesterday’s rally next to the dais…’

‘ODM then [February] set up a team to investigate the chaos, but no findings have been made public three months later’.

AND, do take a look at the brilliant Gado cartoon – MEN IN BLACK II – The Return – that once again says more than a thousand words…


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