The Kenya Forum | Pneumonia Now Biggest Killer Disease in Kenya - The Kenya Forum

April 30, 2018


Pneumonia accounted for 22.0 per cent (21,584) of the major causes of deaths

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Pneumonia Now Biggest Killer Disease in Kenya

Pneumonia Now Biggest Killer Disease in Kenya

Pneumonia killed more people in Kenya in 2017 than any other disease as revealed by the 2018 Economic survey by Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.

According to the survey, Pneumonia accounted for 22.0 per cent (21,584) of the major causes of deaths in 2017 followed by malaria (17,553) and cancer (16,953).


Pneumonia also accounts for the highest number of deaths in children below five years. This is despite an existing vaccine against the disease. Children in Kenya receive the PCV10 vaccine, which protects against 10 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumonia.

According to Unicef, pneumonia kills approximately 2,400 children a day globally. Pneumonia accounted for approximately 16 per cent of the 5.6 million under-five deaths, killing around 880,000 children in 2016 with most of its victims were less than 2 years old.

HIV/AIDS was the fourth leading cause of death at 8,758 according to the 2018 Economic survey by Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. Other major causes of death included Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Anaemia.

Road accidents were also recorded as another major cause of death and killed more people (3,715) than heart diseases (4,786).


Pneumonia is inflammation of the airspaces in the lungs, most commonly due to an infection. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi; less frequently by other causes.

symptoms of pneumonia include; fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, and



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