The Kenya Forum | Where is head of murdered Foreign Minister, Robert Ouko? - The Kenya Forum

February 18, 2011


Is Dr Ouko’s skull, or part of it, still in London? And has the ‘Caucasian hair’ ever been DNA tested?

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Where is head of murdered Foreign Minister, Robert Ouko?

Where is head of murdered Foreign Minister, Robert Ouko?

Following on from our last posting (which, quite spectacularly, had to refute claims that Robert Ouko had been murdered by the man who killed JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald), the Kenya Forum team have been working through the ‘Case Study’ into the mysterious murder in February 1990 of Kenya’s then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Robert Ouko, published online at a week ago.

It has taken a while because the Kenya Unsolved report is very detailed, runs into many thousands of words and is backed up by hundreds of links to supportive documents. However, arising from it are two little intriguing questions (among many others): is Dr. Ouko’s head still in London? And was a ‘Caucasian’ involved in his murder?

The murder of Dr. Robert Ouko: where is his head and was a Caucasion involved in the murder?

The report states that in a book entitled ‘Dr Iain West’s Casebook’, author Chester Stern claimed that the Scotland Yard detective sent to Kenya to investigate the murder, Detective Superintendent John Troon, had helped a British Forensic Pathologist on his team, Dr Iain West, to take Dr Ouko’ s ‘skull vault through the airport by persuading the authorities that the usual X-rays might damage vital samples being taken back to England. When it came to the state funeral, an imaginative and innovative mortuary assistant had simply covered the discrepancy by creating a convincing death-mask to attach to the top of the body for the benefit of those wishing to view the body’.

The Kenya Unsolved report notes that, ‘Aside from the fact that part of Dr Ouko’s skull was arrogantly and improperly removed to London it leaves the question, is it still there?’

And in the same report, a few paragraphs later it states that a Forensic Scientist, Mr Phillip Toates, intriguingly reported that ‘a single Caucasian hair was found loosely associated with a partially burnt handkerchief found at the scene’ where Dr Ouko’s body was found.

Well, is Dr Ouko’s skull or part of it still in London? And has the ‘Caucasian hair’ ever been DNA tested?


These two intriguing unanswered questions bring a degree of uncertainty into this great unsolved murder. However, there are several answers out there for those that are searching for information on the murder of Dr. Robert Ouko. Read this article, ‘Robert Ouko’s murder: the media must report these 8 facts‘, if you are interested in familiarising yourself with the forensic evidence and eye witness testimonies that are relevant to the case. 



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